Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Climate Change Notes

Some interesting facts I've learned this week:
  • Spring travels north through Minnesota at the rate of 10 miles a day. So when the lilacs bloom in the Metro, they will bloom in Duluth (150 miles north) roughly 15 days later.
  • Conversely, fall travels south through Minnesota at the same rate.
  • Light Bulb Facts: Incandescent bulbs last about a year and cost $1-2, Compact Florescent Bulbs last 10 years and cost anywhere from $2-8, LED (light emitting diodes) bulbs cost $61 each but last up to 40 years.
  • There are winners and losers in the natural world in regards to Climate Change. Winners: Turkeys, opossum, porcupines, and other have expanded their ranges due to warmer winters. Losers: Moose are having a hard time adjusting to warmer winters and earlier springs. Warmer winters allow ticks to survive on them through the winter, while early springs are hard on them because they are not able to shed their winter coats before warmer temperatures.