Thursday, October 9, 2008

Activities and Projects for the Education Minnesota Break

Just when we're getting warmed up it's time for a break. So, if your home for a few days next week and you find yourself saying, "There's nothing to do!" here are a few ideas.

Writing- Make your own journal. Use the cardboard from an old cereal box to cut up a front and back cover. Find some paper and punch holes through the top or side of the paper and covers. Use some yarn, string, whatever you can find to bind them together. Then get outside or sit by a window and write what you see. I look forward to reading "The Life and Times of My Neighborhood Squirrel" or "Crunch, Crinkle, Snap: The Sounds of Leaf Pile Jumping."

Feel like writing more baseball letters? Here's the link.

Math- Graph. Do you live near a busy street? Take five minutes and record the number of cars and their color as they pass. What seems to be the most common color?

Practice equations and expressions. Write an expression (15 -r) and write a story for it (My sister has 15 pieces of candy and I eat some when she is not looking). Or try an equation (10 + r = 24) and write a story (The Vikings score ten points. They score some more in the second half and now they finish with 24).

Multiplication facts. Never hurts to brush up on multiplication facts. Click here.

Read, read, read. Read with your brother, read with your mother. Read in the car, read on the tar. When you found a story that you really like trying putting it to action. Write a script and act it out. Get your siblings and friends together and put on a show.

Do you like listening to stories? Try Storynory for free audio stories (they're read with a British accent, old chap!).

Don't forget conferences on Monday and Tuesday. Have a great week off and be ready to go next Monday!