Thursday, January 8, 2009

Amelia Rules!

Today in writing we looked to Amelia's 6th-Grade Notebook by Marissa Moss for inspiration in writing with voice. This fun book is similar to Diary of a Wimpy Kid in that it shares the joys and sorrows of middle school life. From ogre-like teachers to navigating the cavernous hallways of a never-ending school, this book is about the ups and downs of being a middle school kid.

For our writing assignment students had to create a fictional student, middle school, and host of teachers. Then borrowing inspiration from Amelia they had to give their creative touches and comments from the perspective of a new (and overwhelmed) middle school student.


  1. i relly want one of those books linnea

  2. I love those books! Well atleast I used to. Having fun at GMS.

    -Henley (kate)

  3. I LOVED the idea of this Mr.O. Your so creative. Henley jr.
