Friday, September 5, 2008

Week One Notes

What a great first week! The kids were eager every morning and worked hard each day. I am thrilled with this class!
Here are a few notes:
  1. Wolf Ridge fundraiser at Dairy Queen tomorrow in Navarre from 1-5 PM. Great excuse to have a treat. We kick off the Chip Shoppe Fund Raiser next Friday.
  2. Next week specialist schedule M- Music, T- Art & Media (book return/renew), W- Phy. Ed. & computer lab, R- Music & computer lab, F- Art
  3. We will start our full array of subjects next week: Reading, Spelling, Handwriting, Social Studies, Science, etc.
  4. Math test on chapter 1 sometime in the middle part of the week.
Homework tonight:
  1. Read for fun!
  2. Math Lesson 1.3, both sides- Try this link for extra practice
  3. Be looking for signs of fall (sugar maples turning red, a flock of at least 100 birds heading south, any cicada exoskeletons)
  4. Have a great weekend!