Monday, November 30, 2009

Notes for 11/30-1/4

There is a lot going on this week. Here are some of the highlights:
1. Orchestra Hall is on Friday. We leave around 10:45. Students will need bag lunches for the bus trip between Orchestra Hall and the MIA. Chaperones (drawn randomly) are: Mrs. Eidsness, Ms. Wegner, Mrs. Worden, and Mrs. Fuglseth. Thanks for your interest.

2. Cards for Servicemen/women
Mrs. Swanson stopped by this morning with cards to send to US Soldiers abroad over the holidays. If your child is interested in completing a card, please have it back by Wednesday. Thanks!

3. Math facts. We are working hard in class and in the computer lab to master multiplication & division facts. Please take a few minutes each night to help your child study. They will be extremely helpful as we move forward in math class.

4. Culvers' Night- December 2nd.

Homework tonight:
Spelling- This is a review week. Please sign the tic-tac-toe sheet (student can pick any three) once your child has completed his/her sheet. The sheet is posted below.
Math- 9.1 Expressions (front and back)

Have a great night!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Orchestra Hall/ Minneapolis Institute of Arts Field Trip

Circle Graphs

Students generated these circle graphs using the Create A Graph web site and using data from our Shirley Hills school population.

If any student graphs do not appear above, it was because of an e-mail error.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday Notes

Keep studying the Northeast states and capitals. Next week we will have a map quiz on labeling the states and capitals. See the links from yesterday to practice or visit the 4th grade blog for more.

Study Northeast States and Capitals
Math 7.4- Circle Graphs

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Northeast States

NE State/Capital Quiz

Vocab Study
Spelling City
Math 7.2 & 7.3
Phy. Ed Tomorrow

Monday, November 16, 2009


Quick Notes:
Spelling for this week is Weaving: A California Tradition (see Spelling City Links)
Specials this week (Music, Art, Phy. Ed. Music, and Art- in this order)
Vocab and spelling due Friday- see 4th grade blog for the vocab words
Math 7.1 (front and back)

Check out the Learn Alberta web site. Click on Lessons, and then #10.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Guess Who

After finishing up a couple of assignments in the lab yesterday, I challenged the kids to try out Pixie. Pixie is a software for elementary students that allows them to explore and create with painting and text options, along with voice recording. The program also has picture capabilities.

The challenge for the students was to figure out how to take a picture of themselves and edit it using the different painting tools. I've used this program a couple of times last year:
Anyway, can you guess which student this is below?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bar Graphs

Homework Tonight:
Finish math packet and chapt 6 review sheet
Spelling and vocab study due tomorrow
Phy. Ed. Tomorrow
Spelling test tomorrow

Bar Graphs

Create a Graph Site

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Grandfriend's Day #1- The Entrance

Monday Notes:
We studied stem and leaf plots today in math class.
Math 6.4 (Both sides)
Vocab study boxes- See the fourth grade blog for the Three Little Cyberpigs Vocab Slideshow.
Spelling Word Search
Library Tomorrow.

Grandfriend's Day #2

Grandfriend's Day #3

Grandfriend's Day #4

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lead #1

Write a lead for this picture in the comments' section. Be sure to include your name.

Lead #2

Write a lead for this picture in the comments' section. Be sure to include your name.

Lead #3

Write a lead for this picture in the comments' section. Be sure to include your name.

Lead #4

Write a lead for this picture in the comment section. Be sure to include your name.

Writing Leads

In baseball, a leadoff batter is the table setter. Someone who gets on base, gets the crowd excited, and gets the pitcher nervous. A leadoff batter sets the tone and often foretells how the game is going to go.

The same is true for writing. A strong lead draws a reader in and keeps the reader reading.

Here are some samples from well-known books:
From Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling:

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you'd expect to be involved with anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn't hold with such nonsense."

From Jeanne DuPrau's, The City of Ember:

"When the City of Ember was just built and not yet inhabited, the chief builder and the assistant builder both of them weary, sat down to speak of the future.
'They must not leave the city for at least two hundred years,' said the chief builder. 'Or perhaps two hundred and twenty.'
'Is that long enough?' asked his assistant.
'It should be. We can't know for sure.'"

From Kate DiCamillo's, The Tale of Despereaux:

"This story begins within the walls of a castle, with the birth of a mouse. A small mouse. The last mouse born to his parents and the only one of his litter to be born alive.
'Where are my babies?' said the exhausted mother when the ordeal was through. 'Show to me my babies.'
The father mouse held the one small mouse up high.
'There is only this one,' he said. 'The others are dead.'
'Mon dieu, just the one mouse baby?'
'Just the one. Will you name him?'
'All of that work of nothing,' said the mother. She sighed. 'It is so sad. It is such the disappointment.'"

Click here for some student examples of writing leads from 2007. They practiced by writing interesting leads and poor leads.

Wednesday Notes

We start our unit on the Northeast states tomorrow. For an introduction, we labeled a map with the states and capitals. Over the next few weeks we will learn about the people, land, natural resources, and economy of the region along with some of the important landmarks.

Just a reminder- Grandparents Day is on Friday. Our 4th grade performance is at 2:15.
Homework: Math 6.1 (front and back)
Music Tomorrow

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday Notes

  • Time (Chapt 5) Review Sheet
  • Reading Packet pg 37 (all) and 41 (1-4)
  • Seed Cycle Game
Phy Ed Tomorrow

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday Notes

We are finishing up our science unit this week. So far, we've been learning about seeds, their life cycle, germination, and seed parts. Tomorrow, we will learn about our class beetles.

  • Vocab study boxes
  • Spelling word search
  • Finish math packet
Family Fun night is from 5 to 8 tonight!
