zach b:
As I was swimming in what I thougt was an empty body of water I looked up to see at least ten elephants staring at me as if they were going to attack. I tried to stay still but they apparently saw me and charged.
As i was walking through the woods.I saw a huge cave i went in then all of the sudden.I heard a loud noise.Then I looked at behind me there was a a group of huge elephant following me.
By: Megan M.
I was running through the jungle then
I stumbled on a rock in to the river then I stood up and saw a huge herd of elephants.
matt b. I am running through woods all of the sudden I come to a path.It looks like it never ends.At one point I thought I was being watched.Then I hear a stick crack.
As I was waking threw the dark woods I was alone at night I heard A screaming noise in the woods but I saw A bat leading to A dark scary PATH!
by jack w
It was normal day and there was one hour left of school and a kid past me a note it said there was an old path in my neiborhood so after school I went down the path and all of a sudden I saw some rustling in the bushes so I went to go check it out and looked above to see the most terrifing thing I EVER SAW I WAS SO SCARED I COULD NOT MOVE.
rahni w.
One day i was walking. in a dark forest all alone. i saw a old shed i opened the door. their was nothing in it i steped out. of the shed and kept walking and mist started to apair. i felt a cold hand on my shoulder i turned around. i screamed and started running and i fell.
By Leo
I was riding my bike on a bike path when I fell down a hill that was never there.Then I heard a ton of ghostly sounds.Then I screamed!
Molly:I wake up on a raft floating in a lilypad garden when I suddenly crash into a giant leaf I look around this time cautious. Then I relax again and look at my surroundings. Leafs,leafs, and a girl.
-By Kate Henley
I was floating along a river filled with shallow, muddy water. I was half awake, yet it felt like I was fully asleep. I dozed off dreaming of wonders, gold and silver. I heard a frog croaking in the distance and woke slightly. In my blurry view, I saw a dark green figure coming towards me. I rubbed my eyes, thinking that it was a figment of my imagination. The blurry figure was coming closer, until I realized it was a leaf. A large lillypad leaf spattered with red clay.
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